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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Space between Taskbar and Icons
Nuri   2013-08-14 05:38
Hey mates, i got a weird problem with UltraMon here...
I´ve got two Monitors, one with 1920x1080 resolution (main monitor) and one with 1680x1050 resolution (secondary).
Now my problem:
As soon as i start the SmartTaskbar for the second Monitor, the icons on my primary monitor "jump" up, so there is a space between the taskbar and the icons...
I´ve got the newest Ultramon + newest graphic driver...may you can help me?
Thanks in advance!
Christian Studer   2013-08-14 15:01
Do you still have the issue if UltraMon doesn't restore icon positions? You can disable this feature under UltraMon Options > General, uncheck 'preserve position of desktop icons'.

Christian Studer -
Nuri   2013-08-14 16:41
yeah still the same...its unchecked, i restarted ultramon, still the same
Christian Studer   2013-08-15 15:20
Which version of Windows are you using, and what are your icon settings? You can see those by right-clicking the desktop, then select View from the menu.

Christian Studer -
Nuri   2013-09-05 12:05
Sorry mate, didnt got a email for your answer :/
Im using W7 Ultimate and my settings are:
medium size
align to grid
Christian Studer   2013-09-05 16:03
I have now tested with the same settings on Windows 7, but so far haven't seen the issue. Could you send me a screenshot of your desktop to, maybe it's related to the specific arrangement of the icons.

You won't get notified about replies in the forum by e-mail, but you should get a reply within one day.

Christian Studer -
Nuri   2013-09-13 10:28
I sent you a screenshot...
well...i dont get an email at all :D
Christian Studer   2013-09-13 15:16
Got the screenshot, thanks. It looks like you have a row of icons just above the main taskbar, I have now tested with a similar setup and have stopped/restarted the Smart Taskbar several times, but so far haven't seen the issue.

Most likely it's somehow related to UltraMon reserving screen space for the area occupied by the taskbar, this happens when the taskbar is set to be always on top (you can check this via right-click on the UltraMon taskbar).

Unfortunately I don't know why this would cause the icons to get moved on your system, if you find out anything else let me know and I'll look into it.

Regarding notifications: replies will only be posted in the forum, no e-mail notifications, but you can expect a reply within one day.

Christian Studer -
Nuri   2013-09-14 11:05
Yea you were right, its the always on top option...well i dont know if i can fix it, but thanks for your help so far!
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Space between Taskbar and Icons

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