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Leee 2013-08-17 12:34
I had several important documents (Word, Excel, etc) on my desktop's second monitor. (I separated them from the other icons on the main monitor so I could find them easier). I booted up my computer today and they were gone! I open File Manager and looked under "Desktop" but they are not there either. I'm not even sure if UltraMon was the cause of this, but I have to start somewhere. Has this happened to anyone else before, or can anyone give me any advice to try and restore these documents. They are not in the Recycle Bin either. Thanks!
*I'm running Windows 8 64-bit with "Classic Start Menu" to emulate and boot directly into a Windows 7 desktop.
Christian Studer 2013-08-17 14:34
Sounds like the documents were either deleted or hidden, otherwise you should see them in the Desktop folder.
I don't see how this could be related to UltraMon, it positions the desktop icons during startup but this has no effect on the files represented by the icons.
Christian Studer -
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