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Christian 2013-08-26 19:47
I get this error:
UltraMon Taskbar encountered a fatal error and will exit.
More information:
Version: 3.2.2 OS: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 x64 Source file: DeskTaskBarManager.cpp Line: 212 Return value: -2147287035 Last error: 5
Please help!
Christian Studer 2013-08-27 14:42
You'll get this if the Smart Taskbar is denied access to its configuration file, TaskbarBandState in folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\<version>.
Please try if deleting the file fixes the issue. The AppData folder is hidden by default, you can show it via Control Panel > Folder Options > View, Show Hidden Files.
Christian Studer -
Christian 2013-08-27 21:35
Wow, thank you! That completely fixed my issue!
Alan B 2013-09-06 07:01
Hi, I too am having this same problem.
I have only recently started using Ultramon with a 2nd monitor again, and so downloaded the latest 3.2.2 version - 32-bit/Win7.
Upon start-up (with 2nd monitor enabled), or when trying to enable the SmartTaskBar, I receive a similar error to above (detailed below). I have tried deleting the file you suggest, but still have the same problem.
If I delete the file, then try to enable the Smart TaskBar, the error box comes up, and that file gets recreated.
Hope you can help. Thanks.
Ultramon Taskbar encountered a fatal error and will exit.
More information:
Version: 3.2.2 OS: 6.1.7601 Serverice Pack 1 x32 Source file: DeskTaskBarManager.cpp Line: 1465 Return value: 0 Last error: 5
Christian Studer 2013-09-06 14:52
Alan, that's a different issue, happens if UltraMon can't install a hook in the main taskbar (explorer.exe).
Check if you have any security software (antivirus, firewall) installed which prevents applications from hooking into explorer.exe, you would need to configure an exception to allow UltraMonTaskbar.exe to install a hook.
Christian Studer -
Alan B 2013-09-16 08:47
Thanks Christian. I am running the latest versions of AVG Free and ZoneAlarm Firewall Free.
I can't see any exception options in Zone Alarm.
In AVG, there is an exceptions page under Advanced Settings, to which I've added explorer.exe but I still have the same problem.
In AVG, an exception can be set for "Scan", "Resident Shield", "Identity Protection", so nothing specifically about API hooks into a specific file. I assume this is nothing to do with RootKits?
I guess I could temporarily try uninstalling both securit applications one at a time to see if I can find a solution, but surely other users are using these type of applications and Ultramon at the same time? I know I have used previous versions of Ultramon with AVG, so perhaps ZoneAlarm is the issue.
I will try to report back soon, unless you have any further specific ideas.
Many thanks. Alan
Alan B 2013-09-16 08:54
I meant to say that I also tried adding UltraMonTaskbar.exe as an exception in AVG, with no success.
Christian Studer 2013-09-16 15:28
I'm not familiar with ZoneAlarm myself, but from what other users have told me you should be able to mark UltraMonTaskbar.exe as a trusted executable.
Here's what a user with a similar issue told me:
"Turns out it was a bug in ZoneAlarm Pro. I had disabled their OS Firewall because it interfered with another program that I use often. For some reason OS Firewall was preventing UltraMonTaskBar from hooking into explorer even though it was disabled. But since OS Firewall was disabled, it ignored me when I told it that UltraMonTaskBar was a trusted application. Enabling OS Firewall, setting UltraMonTaskBar to trusted, then disabling OS Firewall resolved the issue."
Christian Studer -
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