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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Where are the wallpaper settings?
Marcus   2013-09-02 01:44
I'm on a fresh install on Win7 with triple monitor.
All I can find is the Ultramon Options thingy in the taskbar. There are no wallpaper settings there.

I read about the Ultramon Desktop, but I can't find such a thing.

This is from a third party description
2. Go to the wallpaper configuration of UltraMon, and configure the "default" wallpaper as you wish (you don't need to define an image file).

I just can't find any option. Not under ultramon or windows.

Help please.


-Marcus Z
Marcus   2013-09-02 02:23
Found it!

Its right where it should be. Under programs/Ultramon/ in my Win installation.

There was no icon created, so I could not find it.

-Marcus Z
Christian Studer   2013-09-02 14:40
You can also access the wallpaper manager via the main UltraMon menu, right-click the UltraMon icon in the system tray to bring up the menu.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Where are the wallpaper settings?

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