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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> 2 touchscreen monitors
Claude   2013-09-18 03:23
Is it possible to have two touchscreen monitors in extended display.
At the moment I am using an HP Envy 23 with Touchsmart capabilities, my second monitor is a Viewsonic TD2220, the taskbar is ok, meaning that both are touch sensitive, however, the desktop does not have the touch capability while in extended display.

I have a form running on an Access application that open on the HP monitor, then, by touching a button, another form opens on the Viewsonic monitor, however on this second monitor, the touch capabilities is not working, any ideas?

Claude Larocque
Christian Studer   2013-09-18 15:30
I don't know if that's possible, UltraMon certainly can't help with this.

It's odd though that the taskbar on the second monitor can receive touch input but not the desktop, not sure though what might cause this.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> 2 touchscreen monitors

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