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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Smart Taskbar sometimes goes to center of screen after resume from sleep/monitor shut-off
Dan   2013-10-18 15:32

I am using Windows 7 Ultimate on a Lenovo T430s on a dock with two external monitors (one on a pluggable USB 3.0 to HDMI adapter the other on DVI) and the laptop monitor. Ultramon 3.2.1. I have one of the external monitors set as the primary and the smart taskbar appears on the laptop monitor and pluggable USB monitor. Sometimes when I resume from sleep or from having the monitors auto-shut-off to save power the smart taskbar on the laptop monitor moves up about two-thirds of the way up the screen. The background image appears above and below the smart taskbar, but the application windows only appear above the smart taskbar.

If I close ultramon and restart it things go back to normal.

I can send a screenshot if it would be helpful.

Christian Studer   2013-10-19 14:49
Could be related to an issue which was fixed for the next release, after a display configuration change the Smart Taskbar may be positioned/sized incorrectly. I could send you a pre-release build with a fix for this issue, if you're interested contact me at

Christian Studer -
Christian Studer   2013-10-19 14:50
I forgot to mention that you would need to upgrade to 3.2.2 first, the pre-release build won't work with 3.2.1.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Smart Taskbar sometimes goes to center of screen after resume from sleep/monitor shut-off

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