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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon and Windows 8.1
Jay   2013-10-19 01:04
Updated Windows 8 to version 8.1 yesterday and noticed somme issues with ultramon .

Ultramon has focus issues with w 8.1 :
- 2 monitors , ultramon running . I open a desktop app (notepad fex.) from the start screen . It takes very long to open notepad , and also the focus stays on the start screen . I need to manually close the start screen in order to see my desktop where notepad is running . When I close down ultramon notepad opens immediately and gets focus (start screen closes) .

No workaround available .

Ultramon smart taskbar has issues with w 8.1 :
- when "change size of all items" is active (it is active by default in w 8.1) . Go to control panel - appearance and personalization - display , then set it to anything other than 100% . Smart taskbar will screw up (weird sizes , weird icons) , and often even crash ultramon .

Keeping it at 100% is a great workaround and doesn't cause any issues .
Jay   2013-10-19 03:01
Another thing that is not working in 8.1 when ultramon is running :
- press WIN key , charms menu , settings , change pc settings . Then press WIN +D (to go to the desktop) . Nothing happens , you cant get out of it unless you press WIN (to go to the start screen) and only then you can use WIN +D .

Workaround : close ultramon and the issue does not exist
Christian Studer   2013-10-19 14:54
Which version of UltraMon are you using? I tested with 3.2.2 on 64-bit Windows 8.1, but so far haven't been able to reproduce the issues with Notepad or PC Settings.

Regarding the Smart Taskbar: I would recommend using the built-in multi-monitor taskbar on Windows 8, to do this go to UltraMon Options > Smart Taskbar and uncheck 'use Smart Taskbar', then right-click the main taskbar and select Properties from the menu, then check 'Show taskbar on all displays' and set 'Show taskbar buttons on' to 'Taskbar where window is open'.

Christian Studer -
Jay   2013-10-19 15:09
Hello ,

Yes I am using v 3.2.2 .
Strange you can't reproduce it on your system . My system is 64 bit too .

Built in windows bar doesn't suit my needs . I use the workaround , is fine with me .
Christian Studer   2013-10-19 16:10
I have now tested with UltraMon's Smart Taskbar enabled in case the issue is related to that, and that's indeed the case, with the Smart Taskbar enabled I'm seeing the same issues with Notepad and PC Settings as you.

Which features are you missing from the built-in taskbar? The main difference I'm aware of is that UltraMon supports toolbars on secondary taskbars, which the built-in taskbar doesn't.

Christian Studer -
Jay   2013-10-20 00:14
Aha .. a breaktrough :)
Thank you for your interest .

The build in windows toolbar has 2 main issues for me .

First of all I do not need a start button , let alone 2 . There is no way to remove the start button on the second monitor , taking up unnecessary space .

Secondly and most importantly , I have a 2 row taskbar on my main screen at the bottom and want a single taskbar on my second monitor to the right .
Windows can't do this . They think if i have a double taskbar on the main , i also want a double on the second monitor . Try a taskbar to the right with 2 rows , it looks awful . (i'm using small taskbar buttons)
Christian Studer   2013-10-20 12:50
Currently there are no plans to support the UltraMon taskbar on Windows 8, but it might be possible to change behavior of the built-in taskbar such as remove the start button from secondary taskbars, I'll look into this.

Christian Studer -
Jay   2013-10-21 02:15
It worked without issues in windows 8 .
Just the update to windows 8.1 did something that ultramon (especially the smart taskbar) doesn't like .

I can live with a second startbutton , but i need a single taskbar on my second monitor .
Jay   2013-10-21 05:07
I have made a screenshot of the windows built in taskbar . You can see , it does not only show the icon of the task , but also 2-3 letters and 3 dots .
Even though i have "use small taskbar buttons" activated in the options .
Before with ultramon the sidebar was smaller + it showed only icons which was perfect .


Altough apparently the 2 taskbars can differ in size , this is the smallest the taskbar can be made btw (same size as double taskbar) .
John   2013-10-24 20:08
I can confirm all of this, switching to the desktop or starting desktop apps won't open or take a very long time to open with UltraMon running after the Windows 8.1 update.
Chris   2014-01-29 02:01
I'm experiencing this issues too, Win8.1-64

The main issue I'm having with windows' smart task bar, is the ability to show on each taskbar only the icons of the applications on that specific monitor.
Windows does this but only for the second bar, the 'main' bar always has all the icons.
Chris   2014-01-29 02:04
Oh my...
never mind!
I always saw the option to show on screen's bar AND main bar... not the option to only show on screen's bar. It is new in Win8.1?

Well, windows smart bar is good enough for me now;)
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon and Windows 8.1

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