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Max 2013-11-07 15:13
Hello! I'm a tech at a university in Illinois, and was hoping someone has had a similar setup as in one of our Smart Classrooms
One of our smart rooms has two displays for the PC. One display is a Dell widescreen monitor, and the other monitor is a 4:3 Sympodium touch screen display. We’re having sync issues with the Dell monitor where it’s leaking off the side of the display, and auto-sync is not fixing the issue. After looking at Anandtech's forum, UltraMon seemed to be the way to go to allow both monitors to actually show up and be usable, but I'm just trying to cover all my bases to answer any questions my supervisor may ask before we actually try installing it.
Christian Studer 2013-11-07 15:42
Not sure what you mean with sync issues, is this a hardware setting on the monitor?
Christian Studer -
Kevin Rowe 2022-12-11 21:53
Hi, Anyone is looking for a 4K Wide Format Touchscreen Monitor with Multiple Monitor Workstation Options?
Visit iPlanTables- .We have 9 models-
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iPlanTables is the nation's leading supplier of wide-format touchscreen workstations for plan review and management.
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