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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon Windows buttons disappear....onto second monitor
Helen   2013-11-13 08:38

I've noticed intermittently the 2 ultramon buttons that are used to move a window to a second monitor disappear. I then noticed they haven't actually disappeared, but they have moved to the second monitor, however the window that they move is still on the primary monitor. When I click the button to move the window, the window moves (e.g. the buttons are obviously still linked to the window) and then moving the window back to the primary screen, the buttons go with it. I have a screenshot of what I mean, but not sure how to upload that on here?

Thanks in advance for your help
Christian Studer   2013-11-13 13:56
Does this only happen with a specific application, and have you noticed anything which seems to cause the problem (launching an application, changing display settings, etc)?

Also let me know which version of UltraMon and Windows you're using.

Christian Studer -
Helen   2013-11-14 09:08
The machine is running Windows 7 x64 and Ultramon 3.2.2 which I understand is the latest version.

There is no specific act or program that causes this, it is very intermittent, which is making it hard to troubleshoot!

Christian Studer   2013-11-14 14:07
Do you move this application frequently between the two monitors, or is it always on the primary monitor but suddenly the UltraMon buttons are on the secondary?

Christian Studer -
Lionel Modra   2013-11-14 20:53
I see a somewhat similar issue - I have the Online Bible program (Edition 4.30) installed on my system. When I open that program the UM move buttons always appear in the top LH corner of my primary monitor, not on the Online Bible window. I do not run that program full screen. Clicking on the 'move' button moves the window to the secondary monitor, and attaches the buttons to the Online Bible title bar. The buttons stay on the title bar in subsequent moves, but the issues resurfaces after re-opening the program.
OS is x64 Windows 8.1 UltraMon version 3.2.2
Agent-T   2013-11-21 08:49
I have a similar problem...but only with specific programs. The buttons for moving window from one monitor and for stretching the monitor is missing from Adobe Reader (version 11.0.5) and Paperport ver. 14.0(14.1.11528.2007). Use the move feature all the time. Buttons are present on all other applications. Using ultramon ver. 3.2.2 Thanks!
Christian Studer   2013-11-21 09:04
Agent-T, this is something else, to fix the issue for Adobe Reader go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for the application and select the option 'use alternative method to add window buttons'.

I'm not familiar with PaperPort, but usually buttons don't get added if an application uses a custom window title bar.

Christian Studer -
Helen   2013-11-27 02:40
Sorry for the delayed reply, I am only onsite where this issue is occurring once or twice a week, and was off last week.
The windows are moved to the secondary monitor intermittently when required, there is not set process on how this happens so I can't really narrow it down any more than that sorry

Agent-T   2013-11-27 12:36
Hey Christian, Thanks for reply. I tried to configure the compatibility for Adobe Reader and PaperPort with no luck. I can see that Paperport uses a custom window title bar...but Adobe's Reader looks standard. Any other ideas?
Christian Studer   2013-11-27 14:07
Helen, it will be difficult to determine what causes this, what I could do as a first step is create a test version of UltraMon which logs things such as a button window not being on the same monitor as the associated application, that could help establish a pattern, such as which applications are affected. If you're interested in this please contact me by e-mail at

Agent-T, not sure why that wouldn't help with Adobe Reader, are you sure you selected the option 'use alternative method to add window buttons'? This works fine for me with Adobe Reader 11.0.5 on 64-bit Windows 8.1.

Christian Studer -
Helen   2013-12-04 01:18
Hi Christian

Thanks for your suggestion, you have actually been speaking to my colleague about this as well (unbeknownst to me) and have suggested to him the following:
When you get this the next time please run EnumWndBtns.exe from and send me the generated log file.

We will do this first and see what the logs show there

Christian Studer   2013-12-04 15:26
Helen, that probably won't help, from what Steven told me I thought it might be due to window buttons getting added to a hidden window, but that doesn't seem to be the case as the buttons move the application window when you click on them.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon Windows buttons disappear....onto second monitor

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