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rebadurchee 2013-12-04 17:00
If I switch a program from one monitor to another and back again it will start in the second monitor for the next three months. I open Firefox (the last five versions) in the primary monitor. I switch it to the secondary monitor for a while, as little as 5 seconds. Then I switch it back to the primary monitor and close it down while it is on the primary monitor. For the next 3 months or so Firefox will only start on the secondary monitor even if I switch it to the primary monitor and close it while there. How can I get FF to always open on the primary monitor.
Christian Studer 2013-12-05 12:46
You'll get this if Firefox is maximized, to fix the problem un-maximize the Firefox window, move it to the other monitor, then close it there. Firefox will then open on that monitor the next time (even if you maximize it again).
Christian Studer -
rebadurchee 2013-12-06 07:13
Thanks! That worked perfectly.
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