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Paul 2013-12-17 15:23
When I ssh into a linux box and start X11 apps with the display back on my PC, the "move to other screen" widget and the span monitor widgets do attach to the windows and they do function. But, when they first apppear, they overlap the other widgets. When I move the window, they fix themselves.
I can send a screenshot if needed. Any chance of a fix?
Christian Studer 2013-12-18 12:53
Which X client and which version of Windows are you using?
Christian Studer -
DT 2013-12-18 18:56
Hi Christian,
Because he's running X11 apps that display back to his PC, I think what you really want to know about is the X Window Manager program he's running on his Windows PC. Right?
The client app (such as an xterm) is running remotely, but displaying on his PC using an X Window Manager.
It is this X Window Manager on his PC that is drawing the windows, not the client program.
Cygwin comes with one, also Hummingbird.
Christian Studer 2013-12-19 13:14
DT, that is correct, I'll need to know what software is used on the Windows side to look into this.
Christian Studer -
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