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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Mouse wheel functionality on extended taskbar
Justin C   2014-01-03 08:12
So I have become quite reliant on the ability to open another instance of a program from the taskbar by using the mouse wheel click. The does not work on the extended taskbar supplied by Ultramon. Is there a setting to turn this on, or do I need to wait for an update?

Christian Studer   2014-01-03 13:04
UltraMon doesn't support this, and currently there are no plans for new Smart Taskbar features (due to Windows 8 having a built-in multi-monitor taskbar).

Christian Studer -
Justin C   2014-01-03 13:25
So because Windows 8 is out, UltraMon is pretty much dead? Windows 7 doesn't have an end of life/support date until 2020. I use this for work, because no one wants to use Win 8 for business.

Not trying to whine my way into new features. Just wondering why UltraMon is not being updated further.
Christian Studer   2014-01-03 15:30
Just the Smart Taskbar feature. This will remain as is for Windows 7 and earlier, for Windows 8 the plan is to extend the native multi-monitor taskbar, though I'm not sure yet what features can/will be implemented.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Mouse wheel functionality on extended taskbar

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