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Paul 2014-01-24 01:27
Brief background ... I'm trialing Ultramon for use in a 12-screen collaborative environment for an oil company.
The requirments are that certain applications start up on specific monitors, triggered by hotkeys. This works ok for thick (or installed) client software, but is unpredictable for browser-based apps, which most of these are. I understand this to be a failing of Windows 7.
I tried using the MoveActiveWnd script from the Ultramon website and it worked a treat, however, when I tried assigning another instance of script, with parameters for a different application, it failed on the line "wnd.Monitor = CLng(WScript.Arguments(0))", giving an unspecified error.
I tried renaming the 2nd script and also added "WScript.Quit" to the end of the code to release WScrit.exe on the script had been executed, but to no avail
The scripts are identical, with different parameters, running through Ultramon.
Can anyone help?
Christian Studer 2014-01-24 14:52
Sounds like the monitor number wasn't passed to the script, make sure the hotkey was set up correctly.
The problem with browsers is that IE, Firefox etc handle multiple instances in a way which isn't compatible with UltraMon's application positioning feature.
As a workaround I would recommend using a script which opens the website, then uses the window caption to identify the window and then moves it to the specified monitor. If you're interested in this let me know and I'll upload a script which does this.
Christian Studer -
DT 2014-01-25 20:38
Christian mentioned the window caption as means (I presume) to identify which window to move.
Since I use Firefox, this made me think of the add-on "Hostname in Titlebar", which I use to help KeePass identify websites for username/password injection.
Perhaps this extension could be useful to you in your endeavors.
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