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Andy 2014-02-12 21:10
Hi there, I am a bit new to this software, just wondering is this software able to make two monitors as one display? let say make the system treat two monitors as one big monitor? so I can run slideshow or other applications(game maybe) full screen on this "big one monitor" not just one of the monitors and the other monitor just display wallpaper?
Andy 2014-02-12 21:25
sorry if I didnt state question clearly! I just want two monitors on span mode rather than extended mode, I got a old Intel integrated graphic card, hope the ultraMon have this function.
Christian Studer 2014-02-13 04:41
UltraMon can't do this, but your video card software may have a span mode option.
What you could do via UltraMon is stretch a window across all monitors via the Maximize to Desktop hotkey, this should work fine with your slideshow application, but usually doesn't work with games. You can configure hotkeys under UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.
Christian Studer -
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