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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Cannot Add Buttons on Fidelity Active Trader
RJ   2014-02-27 20:25
Cannot Add Buttons to expand across 4 monitors on Fidelity Active Trader application.

The new Fidelity Active Trader application v10 does not support right click on its toolbar and I cannot add of Ultramon buttons to the Toolbar.

The previous version of Fidelity Active Trader 9.7 did support right click on the toolbar and I was able to add Ultramon buttons to the Toolbar adn expand across 4 monitors.

Fidelity is pointing the finger to Ultramon, and Fidelity is phasing out v9.7.

I need some suggestions on how I can expand my Stock trader application across 4 monitors

Thank you
Christian Studer   2014-02-28 12:31
You'll get this if the application uses a custom window title bar, UltraMon might determine it doesn't have a title bar at all and then won't add the window buttons. What should still work fine are hotkeys, you can configure Move Window and Maximize to Desktop hotkeys under UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.

The next UltraMon release will have a new compatibility option to force the window buttons for specific applications, should be worth a try once 3.3.0 has been released.

Christian Studer -
RJ   2014-03-23 10:09
Thankyou for the reply

I did try hot keys, although hot keys seem to accidentally used during everyday typing and then it creates an issue ..

Ya the Fidelity toolbar is not customizable .. I have asked them to allow their toolbar to be customizable although it is like talking to a wall -they released this SW to warlier and they other issues and claim no one else with multiple monitors are having any problems - which I know is lie on their behalf..

I will wait for the next release 3.3.xx - do you when that might be released ?

Christian Studer   2014-03-23 12:22
You can use special keys such as CTRL, ALT, SHIFT together with a regular key, that should prevent conflicts. For example I'm usually using CTRL+ALT+N for the Move Window hotkey.

I don't have a release date yet, but 3.3.0 should be ready later this year.

Christian Studer -
rj   2014-03-24 21:11
ok.. thxs

i'll fool around with some hot keys options and watch for the 3.3 release

maybe fidelity will release in one of their fixes the toolbar option to allow customizing

Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Cannot Add Buttons on Fidelity Active Trader

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