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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> When running UltraMon, my app hangs in WM_CHANGEUISTATE
Fredrik Staxäng   2014-02-28 08:11
It works when UltraMon is not running, and it works on the first monitor when UltraMon is running. On the third, monitor, it hangs while creating a button. The stack trace shows a number of
WM_CHANGEUISTATE to different windows, all passed
to DefWindowProc, triggered by the default processing of the WM_CREATE. The buttin is a standard MFC CButton, created by

if (!forward.Create(L"", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_BITMAP, r1, this, ID_FORWARD_BUTTON))
Fredrik Staxäng   2014-02-28 08:20
Argh. Seems to have gone away after restarting UltraMon. The UltraMon version is 3.2.2,
the OS is Windows 7 SP1 64-bit, and the display card is Matrox M9148, three monitors.
Christian Studer   2014-02-28 12:34
If you get this again let me know, we could then do further troubleshooting.

For the window buttons UltraMon creates a window in your process (via hook) which sits on top of your application window, most likely the problem is related to that. What's odd is that you had the issue only on one monitor.

Christian Studer -
Fredrik Staxäng   2014-02-28 23:18
I only tested the first monitor after restarting UltraMon. I was wrong about that.

What is it that you want to check when the problem appears?
Christian Studer   2014-03-01 12:34
If possible please send me the application or a sample application causing the problem to (preferably the Visual Studio project and not just the executable), I will then try to reproduce the issue.

Christian Studer -
Fredrik Staxäng   2014-03-02 03:27
The problem appeeared at a customer site. As I said before, i can't repeat the problem right now. But if it appears again, and the person using it can let me use their computer for a while, what do I check?

I have a counple of dump files from the hang that
I can examine in windbg, if you think there might be interesting information in them.

Would running the app via remote desktop on our server help you? I can probably install Visual Studio on it, but I can't give you access to the source code.
Christian Studer   2014-03-02 12:33
If the issue only occurred on the customer's system, my guess would be a conflict of some sort with another application which uses hooks.

The dump file might help as it will show what DLLs were loaded into your process, you could check if there are any non-system DLLs besides UltraMon's hook DLL, RTSUltraMonHook.dll.

Workarounds for the issue would be to configure one of the following compatibility options for your application via UltraMon Options > Compatibility:

- use alternative method to add window buttons: this way the button window will get created in the UltraMon process instead of the application's process

- if the above doesn't fix the problem, you could disable window buttons for your application

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> When running UltraMon, my app hangs in WM_CHANGEUISTATE

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