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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Smart Taskbar Note Sizing Properly
Tony   2014-03-05 10:07
At least half the time I log into Windows 7, the Smart Taskbar on my second screen is double height. To correct it, I usually just have to right click it, select "locked", and choose "no". It resets to single height immediately. Then I just change "locked" back to "yes" or "same as main taskbar". The next time I log in, though, it is often to tall again.

Also, the smart taskbar is frequently hidden under open windows on my second monitor even though it is set to "always on top".

Any suggestions?
Christian Studer   2014-03-05 13:50
Both issues should be fixed in the next release, if you would like to test this contact me by e-mail at, I could then send you a pre-release build of UltraMonTaskbar.exe.

Christian Studer -
Tony   2014-03-10 07:27
Tried the beta version (64 bit) and there's no change. Same 2 problems.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Smart Taskbar Note Sizing Properly

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