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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> how to maximize 3 monitor
Marco   2014-03-25 09:35
I have 6 monitor,and I want to ultramon that only can maximize program on 3 monitor
Christian Studer   2014-03-25 14:01
You could do this via hotkey and the Maximize2Mon script, let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.

Christian Studer -
Marco   2014-03-26 18:40
can you tell me the step?thanks.
Marco   2014-03-27 06:44
I dont know how to use the script
Christian Studer   2014-03-27 13:33
Please post the system information from UltraMon menu > About (right-click the UltraMon icon in the system tray to bring up the menu), and also let me know across which 3 monitors you would want to maximize windows. I can then tell you how you'll need to configure the script.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> how to maximize 3 monitor

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