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DT 2014-03-26 14:29
I running Ultramon 3.2.2 on Win7 64bit Ultimate, and I noticed something peculiar when looking at the properties dialogs of two of my desktop shortcuts.
NinjaTrader installs desktop shortcuts for 32bit and 64bit versions of their application.
[First, I could have swore that my Ultramon options settings say "do not display Ultramon tabs on shortcut properties".]
#1. What is the correct way to tell Ultramon to not display Ultramon tabs on the shortcut properties dialog? I mean, the Ultramon option settings that seem to apply are not very clear about what they do or how to set them to achieve my desired effect.
#2. Note how the tabs are hidden on a 32bit desktop shortcut but are present on a 64bit desktop shortcut. Why the difference? What controls that?
#3. Also, does anyone know how/why some desktop shortcuts are created with their targets greyed-out? The 32bit shortcut has a greyed-out target (meaning it's basically unchangeable, I presume) but the 64bit shortcut target looks normal to me. Both were created by the NinjaTrader installer. The greyed-out target baffles me ... how do create one of those? What's the point of a greyed-out target?
DT 2014-03-26 15:54
Hmm, as far as the greyed out shortcut target is concerned, I discovered this is a feature of (presumably MSI based) installer programs known as "Advertised Shortcuts".
After reading the above link, I downloaded and installed the ORCA MSI Editor, but could not get that program to properly effect ORCA's own .msi installer file. Uninstalling ORCA and re-installing it with the updated .msi file produced an error.
Next, I uninstalled then re-installed ORCA itself using a cmd.exe window. Using the original ORCA .msi file I downloaded, I re-installed using the /i option, like this,
then ORCA's shortcut no longer had it's target grey-out. Ok, so problem solved there.
Still don't understand why the different display behavior between 32bit & 64bit shortcuts on that UltraMon tabs question.
Christian Studer 2014-03-26 15:58
To prevent the UltraMon tabs from getting added to shortcut properties, go to UltraMon Options > Profiles and Shortcuts and uncheck the option 'enable shortcut extensions'.
The option 'don't add custom buttons to dialogs and messages boxes' prevents UltraMon from adding its window buttons (Move and Desktop Maximize) to those types of windows.
The reason the tabs don't get added to the 32-bit shortcut is that the shortcut's target field is grayed out, this is the case for shortcuts created by Windows Installer. Because UltraMon can't modify the target of the shortcut it doesn't add the tabs.
Christian Studer -
DT 2014-03-26 16:11
Thanks, that fixed it!
DT 2014-03-26 16:15
Just to be clear, I think your statement,
>> this is the case for shortcuts created by Windows Installer
should be,
this is the case for ADVERTISED shortcuts created by Windows Installer
Not all shortcuts created by the Windows Installer have to be created with their targets greyed-out.
Christian Studer 2014-03-26 16:33
I think you're probably right, but haven't taken a closer look at this myself.
Christian Studer -
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