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John Fors 2014-03-28 05:21
I'm writing a VBA application embedded in a product call ProcessBook. The application is using the Ultramon Util to start a series of display windows using different applications i.e. Iexplore.exe, Processbook.exe, ... The application keeps the ProcessId for each window in a collection. The application then from a timer trigger will rotate through each window and use the Win.Activate method. In hopes of making the window come to the forefront to display the series in a slide show fashion. When the Activate method fires the window icon in the task bar flashes orange like it recieved the event but doesn't come to the forefront to display itself.
Is there something else I can use to make the window actually come to the fore front? I'm running on the ancient Windows XP sp 3.
John J Fors
Christian Studer 2014-03-28 13:10
By default only the active application can bring another application to the foreground, for details on this see the documentation for the SetForegroundWindow API function.
Christian Studer -
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