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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Smart Taskbar
Mick   2014-04-02 08:58
With S-taskbar enabled my system boots up to Metro when I click on Desktop I get 2 black screens.
using win+r I get the desktop on one monitor,using the move button at the top I get the desktop on both monitors now if i go back to Metro and then click on Desktop after a long wait it opens.
It seems a lot of people are having issues with S-taskbar and the FIX? is always the same disable it.
Are you working on a solution? or are we just sticking with "THE FIX?" as noted above. I have grown very dependent on this APP. Life in Windows without this program would suck.
My system
MOBO Asus Maximus VI Formula
CPU Intel 4770K running at 4.4gh/1.3v
RAM 32gb Corsair Vengeance
GPU Nvidia / XFX 8800GTX (new one coming soon)
COOLING Corsair H80i,total fans 12 different sizes
it's quiet until I game then it sounds like a jet but with headphones all is good
Thanks Mick

Thanks again Mick
Christian Studer   2014-04-02 12:58
You'll get this on Windows 8.1. There will be no fix as the Smart Taskbar isn't supported on Windows 8, but the built-in multi-monitor taskbar on Windows 8 has the same functionality, just open properties for the taskbar and set the option 'Show taskbar buttons on' to 'Taskbar where window is open', this way the taskbar will behave like UltraMon's Smart Taskbar.

Christian Studer -
Torstein Wikene   2014-11-02 13:22
Please detect win8.x and disable Smart Taskbar in the future (and grey out the menus) as this option realy bugs up the metro interface, and slows down apps launcing by 10-20 seconds.
Launching desktops apps from metro does NO=T close metro and the app starts up behind the metro interface hven running Smart Taskbar.

Disableing Smart Taskbar completly fixes all bugs / slowness i had.

(And i found out it was the Smart Taskbar in other foruns on the net where other people had the same issues, so it's not just my machine)

I was about to reinstall Win 8.1 from scratch to tro to fix all my metro bugs (and desktop bugs), but disabling Smart Taskbar fixed EVERYTHING !

So please disable this feature if you detect Win 8.X and pop ut a messagebox explaining its not needed in Win 8.x.

But thank you for a very nice program i have been using for years...

Torstein Wikene
Torstein Wikene   2014-11-02 13:24
Another having problems:

Torstein Wikene
Christian Studer   2014-11-02 14:11
It's already disabled by default on Windows 8, but only for new installations.

The next release, 3.3.0, will handle this differently, with a new taskbar extension feature for Windows 8 and later, and the current Smart Taskbar feature only being available on Windows 7 and earlier.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Smart Taskbar

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