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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Move Window Button Missing in Acrobat Reader
Scott Johnson   2014-04-17 07:52
I have UltraMon's Move Window button showing in all of my apps, but it doesn't show in Acrobat Reader 10.1.7. Also, in that same app, the "Move to Other Monitor" item on the system menu does not work either. I'm running 64-bit Windows 7 and UltraMon 3.2.2. I'm almost certain that Adobe is just doing something weird/nonstandard with their code here, but I thought I would throw it out here. Any ideas?

Christian Studer   2014-04-17 12:49
You'll get this with Adobe Reader X and later, for the window buttons there's a fix, go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for Adobe Reader and check the option 'use alternative method to add window buttons'.

Christian Studer -
Ian Stretch   2020-05-12 07:05
I have read your posts in April 2017 re:
"Move Window Button Missing in Acrobat Reader."
I have this problem with Adobe Reader 2020 and followed Christian Studer's instruction. Unfortunately Acrobat Reader is not in the list of applications on the Comparability tab of Ultramon Options.
Can you please advise how this problem can be resolved?

Ian Stretch
Christian Studer   2020-05-12 15:30
With Acrobat Reader running, go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then click on Configure Settings and select Acrobat Reader from the list of running applications.

The fix still works fine with the latest release of Acrobat Reader on Windows 10.

Christian Studer -
Ian Stretch   2020-10-06 09:04
Move buttons do not appear on Acrobat Reader 2020. Tried to fix using Ultramon Compatibility settings but but setting to include Reader is not saved, so still not move buttons shown.

Ian Stretch
Christian Studer   2020-10-06 16:01
Not sure what would cause this, what exactly did you do to set up compatibility settings for Acrobat Reader?

Christian Studer -
howard   2020-12-09 08:26
I am working in Adobe Pro DC and cannot get the option to move a maximized window. I have done the following and it is still not working:
1. opened an Adobe file, then
2. Opened options>compatibility>Configure Settings...
3. Selected my Adobe File
4. Selected "Use alternative method to move maximized window"

I am in a lot of adobe files and this used to work but doesn't anymore. Any other suggestions?

Christian Studer   2020-12-09 15:27
Which version of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, UltraMon and Windows are you using?

The UltraMon window buttons work fine for me with Acrobat Pro DC 2020.013.20074, UltraMon 3.4.1 and Windows 10 version 2004, no need to set up compatibility settings.

Christian Studer -
Mike P.   2021-01-22 07:48
I have the same problem and it has been really annoying for the Last 3 months or so. So much that I'm looking for alternatives to Ultramon. I've tried all the workaround solutions above as well.

Windows 10 Pro 2004 19041.746
Ultramon 3.4.1
Acrobat Pro DC 2020.013.20074


-Mike P.
Christian Studer   2021-01-22 14:14
Is protected mode enabled under Acrobat Preferences > Security (Enhanced)?

If yes, you'll need to set up compatibility settings for Acrobat via UltraMon Options > Compatibility and check the option 'use alternative method to add window buttons'.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Move Window Button Missing in Acrobat Reader

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