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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 8.1 and Ultramon
Doug Palfreyman   2014-05-25 23:46
I have just installed Windows 8.1 and I as I have for quite a while installed Ultramon. I noticed after install that when I selected an icon from the windows start screen there was a noticeable lag (greater than 5 seconds) before a response. This was even the case with selecting the desktop icon.

If I closed Ultramon, the problem went away. has anyone else experienced this?

I have two NVidia Quadro 2000 cards with latest drivers.
Christian Studer   2014-05-26 14:38
You'll get this if the Smart Taskbar is enabled, see this thread for more on this.

Christian Studer -
Doug Palfreyman   2014-05-26 15:04
Thanks, that was the problem.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 8.1 and Ultramon

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