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Mario 2014-06-10 02:38
Hello Christian,
I hope you are doing fine with equal amount of good health.
Something I always wanted to ask you , but never quite managed to precise the cause. Also, I’m not quite sure, is this even possible to address to already superb capabilities of Ultramon.
Please bear with me for a moment, as I will try to be as concise as possible about this intriguing problem.
It is one thing when you, "overcharge overlays" filled with all sort of graphic applications, while several video player/applications are open, and supplied, for example, browser’s tabs filled with youtube videos. Then you simply close them, or in come cases, "reset" DX and you get things in normal. In worst case, if machine is in uptime for weeks or more; simply reboot again, and everything is back to normal.
Well, this is where some recent web dev applications (recent versions) are charging some penalty to video/desktop resources. For example, if I open several instances of Seamonkey composer (5 monitors) after day or two, it would often steal my screen resources in a way it renders exactly that: video rendering / desktop capture, and all associated actions. Several parallel composers filled with elements, after one week or earlier, stealing screen resources. I can’t accomplish that in a month with screens filled with DAWs, video editing and 100 (not joking) FF’s tabs filled with PDF’s, video… you get the picture.
Christian, before everything - and I’m sure others would find this useful could you kindly explain what exactly happens, when you run out of simplest capture abilities on your screen. When you can’t use Print Screen because you get "error" or "unable to get the data from the clipboard" then, try to transpose, so to speak, the most complex scenarios, like I’m having.
1) Why is it sometimes, that nothing but fresh reboot would bring thing back to normal
2) Are multi monitors setups (like mine) where there are monitors with different resolutions (3x 1920x1200 and 2x 1280x1024) more prone to this problems, then say, those who share exactly the same resolution, on all screens? Or, this has nothing to do with the problem. I’m just trying to understand the nature of this; what exactly steals what, when, and why.
3) Is there any know software way, to "reset" to cause, instead of "dxdiag" that lately is of no use to me. My OS is WS2003/Parhelia APV 2x.
4) Could such "triggering" be possible for Ultramon to "sober" resources back to normal. Or, left of its on devices, this is beyond any solution?
From what I have just wrote, please explain this to a mere mortals from your extensive expertise on the subject.
Thank you for your patience and attention Mario
Christian Studer 2014-06-10 12:44
Hi Mario,
doing fine, thanks.
My guess would be that this is due to the desktop heap size, I had this myself on Windows XP (which is basically the same as Server 2003). See this thread for information on changing the size of the desktop heap.
Christian Studer -
Mario 2014-06-15 04:24
Hello Christian.
I wanted to confirm at least one week with heavy usage to claim victory.
Strangely - although I have no rational explanation how - after desktop heap increase, my favorite WYSIWYG editor suddenly refused to show any backgrounds, not just that, but supporting elements as well. This left me in wonder, so I dealt with new profiles and fresh reinstall + backup/restore and everything is back to normal.
Do you have any explanation for this?
Anyway, looking forward to confirm in week or so, that Uriah Heap is no more on my desktop. Since you had the same issue, would your solution give me peace for weeks, before I run out with resources, or this is the final solution for you as well?
regards :)
Christian Studer 2014-06-15 13:43
For me this did fix the issue, but it probably depends on your specific usage, how many open applications you usually have etc.
Not sure why the heap increase would cause problems for the application, seems odd.
Christian Studer -
Mario 2014-06-23 00:42
I’m very sad to inform you, that desktop heap did not solve my desktop headache :(
Let me explain how this starts and ends. First I would get "Unable to get the data from the clipboard" which means, I no longer can get capture from all five screens. That means I can manually capture any of the screens, but not in full screen. Most of the time, each screen up to 80-90%. After that I get the same error.
Sometimes before this, I can capture, but the picture is B&W, equivalent of negative image.
Then, day by day, week by week, I have less and less "resources" for screen capture, so near the very end, I can capture manually, no more then 200x200, until even that brings restriction and clipboard error.
You mentioned similar problems with your setup. Is this the same manifestation like I’ve just described? Again, I would like to understand what exactly happens? Do you have any other idea or solution? I’m sure you can imagine, when you have filled desk with applications and work, and you need fast capture. Idea of rebooting is absolutely the most undesirable thing you can do at the time. It is a huge waste of time. Please advise if you have more ideas about solution.
Is there some known application, for example, some "visual clipper" so to speak, that would prevent this things to happen?
thank you for your kind input, as always.
Christian Studer 2014-06-23 12:48
I'm not sure if I had that issue as well, for me the main problem was that I suddenly could no longer open new windows, for example launching new applications would simply no longer work.
Unfortunately I don't know what else you could try. Moving to a different version of Windows might be a solution though, I never had the issue on later versions of Windows.
Christian Studer -
Mario 2014-06-25 13:53
Thanks your kind reply Christian.
There is a good news in this, I discovered, after I close/open certain applications, I get my screen resources entirely back. This was never possible before - without fresh restart. So your desktop heap solution, definitely made things better. It is far easier to close them, then wait for restart - much easier and faster.
I was suprised when I confirmed that my capture is back in full glory.
Yes, you are right, later systems, are no longer dealing with these things, but Vista/7... after months of working and trying, I can’t stand dumbing down of OS, almost didactic downgrade in approach. I see this with OS X as well, as I use them both. Not god, I fear what will I use after WS2003 support is over. What OS is your present choice for work and home Christian? Are you still loyal to Matrox, or (understandable) moved to Ati/Nvidia.
P.S. I just discovered this, really a good read :
Christian Studer 2014-06-25 15:32
I always use the latest release, currently Windows 8.1, but that's mainly because I need to know how UltraMon works on the latest OS, otherwise I might still be on Windows 2000 :)
Though there are always good new features as well, for example desktop composition. I've been using Nvidia video cards for the last couple of years, really like the Quadro NVS series with passive cooling.
Thanks for the link, that looks interesting.
Christian Studer -
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