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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Profile no longer workin. Windows 7 64bit 3 monitors.
Chris   2014-06-29 03:41
UltraMon was working fine till 2 days ago.

Issue we are having now is that the Save Icon is not working.

It Will change my resolution back to what I have it set for, but it wont revert back the primary monitor settings.

In the Windows Display setting I have the monitors set 1,2,3 from left to right. The primary is set to 1 and then extended desktop to 2 and 3.

In UltraMon it shows the primary as 2 and extended desktop to 1 and 3.

I have tried to arrange it in the setting and set it the same as the Windows but it wont let me line them up in the right order.

So I uninstalled it. Made sure no files were left behind, re installed it and it worked fine.

I had my primary on the left. Resolution set. Icon positions saved. Changed the monitor setting to match Windows (it let me change it to 1,2,3).

Then I changed all the setting in Windows Display, Moved the icons around to different locations, etc. Rebooted the PC, logged in, double clicked the profile icon and it changed everything back the way I had it.

Then I had someone else log in and changed the windows display setting to what they wanted through Windows Display settings. They did not touch UltraMon.

When I logged in, it changed my Resolution back and it moved my primary monitor from the center to the left monitor but the icons stayed on the middle monitor despite saving thier postions. I also checked the monitor setting and sure enough it was back to showing the primary monitor as 2.

We have close to 50 machines here. A couple of us are trying this out to make sure it works before we install it for everyone. We want to make sure that no matter who uses the machine they can save all their settings and know that when they login in, they can double click the Profile Icon and everything will go back to they way they had it.

So far not very happy with this.

All the machines are the same.

All Running Windows 7 64bit. All up to date on updates.


Dell Optiplex 7010
Dual AMD Radeon HD 7470 video cards.
8gig's of Ram.

So any suggestions would be great.

We really need to find an application that will keep settings for multiple users.

We do not have dedicated machines for users so there can be upwards of 30 users that can use and of the machines per shift for 3 out of the 4 shifts. Overnighter's, which I run, we only have a max of 5 users.

Let me know if there is any other information you need.


SR. Network/Application Support
Southwest Airlines
Christian Studer   2014-06-29 12:41
UltraMon can't always determine the correct monitor numbering automatically on Windows 7 and later, to fix this go to UltraMon menu > Display Settings, select the monitor whose number you want to change, then click on Actions and select Change Monitor Number.

A wrong numbering shouldn't cause any problems though as long as each monitor always gets assigned the same number. Did the numbering used by Windows change as well? This could happen if monitor cables were swapped.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Profile no longer workin. Windows 7 64bit 3 monitors.

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