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Adam 2014-07-09 11:11
Hey everyone, is there a way to get a hotkey assigned to send a window to a specific monitor? All I see are options to send to "next" or "previous." I have a 3 monitor setup and would like to be able to hit a key and send a window to, for example, monitor 3, etc... any way to do this?
Christian Studer 2014-07-09 13:26
There's no built-in hotkey for this, but you could do this with the MoveActiveWnd script. Let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.
Christian Studer -
Adam 2014-07-17 14:36
Hmm, thanks for the help! I can't quite get this to work...
I followed the instructions and moved the script (MoveActiveWnd.vbs) into a folder. Then I set a hotkey to activate the script. When I press the hotkey, I get a window that pops up saying:
"Usage: MoveActiveWind.vbs monID [/r] /r: resize to fit. Default is resize proportionally"
And then the window does not move. Do I need to change something within the script itself?
Christian Studer 2014-07-17 15:32
You'll need to pass the monitor number to the script, to do this go to UltraMon Options > Hotkeys, select the hotkey you created and click on Edit, then add the monitor number at the end of the 'Application or script' field. This should look something like this:
"C:\My Folder\MoveActiveWnd.vbs" 1
Christian Studer -
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