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Kip 2014-07-15 19:54
Before buying UM, I'm wondering if the program can be configured with a hotkey that will quickly adjust a screen orientation back and forth between portrait and landscape view, similar to what the Pivot software utility does (
I work with dual desktop monitors, both in portrait orientation. That set up is great except when I need to do landscape-oriented screen captures for presentation and training material (which I have to do on my laptop screen).
If possible, would love to be able to assign a hotkey combination in UM that would rotate the display (virtually, not physically) to landscape so I could take a quick Snagit screenshot, and then hit the same or another hotkey to rotate it back to portrait.
Is that do-able, or should I just go ahead and buy Pivot in addition to UM?
Thanks in advance.
Christian Studer 2014-07-16 15:17
UltraMon can change the orientation, but the actual rotation of the screen contents is done by the video card driver or an application like Pivot.
I would recommend testing this with the trial version of UltraMon, right-click the UltraMon icon in the system tray then select Display Profiles from the menu to set up the two display profiles, you can then assign each profile a hotkey via UltraMon Options > Hotkeys.
Christian Studer -
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