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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 8.1
Chris   2014-07-25 05:25
I have been using 6 monitors on windows 7 for about 8 years now. I recently upgraded to windows 8.1. Now when I extend my desktop it puts the new start button on every screen. I guess I am ok with that before I only had one start button. The problem is that it mirrors all of my screens now. Is there not a setting in ultramon to just show the tasks that are on just that monitor? The taskbar that ultramon shows end up being above the one that windows already add to each screen. Also if there is a way to hide the other start buttons and just show it on my primary monitor that would great.
Chris   2014-07-25 05:44
OK I answered one of my questions the part where it mirrors the open windows. Windows has a setting for that and I figured that out. Now can I hide the start button on all the monitors but the primary?
Christian Studer   2014-07-25 14:18
Support for hiding the Start button on secondary taskbars will be in UltraMon 3.3.0, due later this year.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Windows 8.1

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