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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Realtimesoft UltraMon:: Cebauno translation. 4 days work out.
Abhi Avi   2014-08-18 01:19
Message to Tonec,

I am using UttraMon for past 1 month. I found it very useful for Modern PC.

I am so happy with UltraMon that I translated UltraMon to Cebauno.
It took me 4 days to work with care in translating.

I hope you provide me Lifetime Ultramon Serial Key.
Dear Realtimesoft, I have 3 PCs (2 Desktops and 1 Laptop). Can you provide me 3 PC license.
One time 3 keys investment for Language translation and growing in G.P ratio after production for Business.

Lets wait for your concern reply for translation.
Hope to accept my translation work.

Best Regards
Abhi Avi
Christian Studer   2014-08-18 13:13
Thanks for your offer, but is this language supported by Windows? I found no language identifier for Cebuano.

Christian Studer -
Abhi Avi   2014-08-19 10:39
Yes Cebuano works best.

Will you give what I requested.
Christian Studer   2014-08-19 12:41
I'll be happy to send you a license in exchange for a translation, but I'll need the language identifier.

Christian Studer -
Abhi Avi   2014-08-22 21:58
Message to realtimesoft.

I had translated UltraMon to Cebuano, please check attachment in mail, at:

Please do your promise soon.

Best Regards
Abhi Avi
Abhi Avi   2014-08-23 19:44
I have send you, what you requested me.
With hope you accept my request too.

Best Regards
Abhi Avi
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Realtimesoft UltraMon:: Cebauno translation. 4 days work out.

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