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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon Fatal Error
DLB86   2014-08-25 12:27

I've been running the Ultramon program on this computer for nearly a year with no issues. Just today I have gotten the following error every time I reboot the computer.

"UltraMon Mirroring encountered a fatal error and will exit.

More Information:

Version 3.0.10
OS: 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 x32 (Vista 32)
Source File: .\mirroring.cpp
Line 1772
Return Value -2147024770
Last error: 1008"

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling twice. Both times have given the same error message on start up. However, I can right click on the icon in the bottom right, go into the mirroring settings and start the mirroring and it works fine. It just won't work after a reboot. Any suggestions?
Christian Studer   2014-08-25 13:48
Do you have mirroring configured to get started automatically at system startup?

Christian Studer -
DLB86   2014-08-27 06:15
Yes, it was working fine for well over a year. I have the computer set to automatically reboot every Monday. Until this week, I hadn't gotten any issues.

As a side update, I have multiple boxes for different locations all configured the same way. Now I'm getting the same error message on 2 of the 6 boxes.

The 2 boxes that are affected also just had the newest round of Windows updates applied to them. Not sure if that's a coincidence or not.
Christian Studer   2014-08-27 16:37
It's most likely some sort of timing issue, the error you get means that UltraMon failed to initialize a COM component, not sure why though.

I could send you either a VBScript file or a batch file which starts mirroring after a specified delay, let me know what you would prefer. I would recommend the script as the batch file will cause a command prompt window to get shown.

Christian Studer -
DLB86   2014-08-28 06:40
A VBScript file would be great!!
Christian Studer   2014-08-28 15:52
You can download the script here: LaunchMirroringDelayed.vbs

The delay is set to 5 seconds by default, you can change this by editing the second line of the script.

To have mirroring start at login, just copy the script to Start Menu > Programs > Startup.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon Fatal Error

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