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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Problems moving screen from one window to another
John   2014-09-18 10:23
One of my users with Ultramon is having a big problem with ultramon. Whenever they send a window (of any given program) to another screen sometimes parts of the window get blacked out and the space is unusable. They have to restart whenever this happens. We have replaced the video card and tried getting new monitors. This only happens when ultramon is on.

This computer is Running Windows 64-bit

Christian Studer   2014-09-18 13:16
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using, and does this only happen when moving maximized windows?

Christian Studer -
John   2014-09-19 09:20
Windows 7 64 bit, with ultramon 3.2

And yes only with maximized windows.
Christian Studer   2014-09-19 12:23
By default UltraMon minimizes maximized windows during the move, which can cause problems for some applications. I'm not sure though why you would have this issue with all applications.

To change this, go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, configure settings for one of the affected applications and then check the option 'use alternative method to move maximized window'. If that fixes the issue, you could then enable this compatibility option for all applications by running AltMoveAllApps.reg.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Problems moving screen from one window to another

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