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Trev 2014-09-22 08:16
Can I increase the frame rate to higher than 30? So videos look better.
I am running a monster computer and two fast video cards (a 780 and a 750TI) and know it can handle faster frame rates. I am playing videos in a fitness studio and the 30fps is really choppy. Can I make a setting somewhere that will override the 30fps max set in Ultramon? Thank you.
Trev Williams
Christian Studer 2014-09-22 11:52
You would need to do this directly in the registry, run regedit.exe then go to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\<version>\Mirroring\Monitor\Options (this assumes you're using the monitor mirroring mode), then set the ScreenUpdateRate value to the desired framerate.
Christian Studer -
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