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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Lost icons
Michael Pasko   2014-11-28 09:53
I'm running UltraMon 3 64-bit on a Dell Precision M4800 laptop w/ a Windows 8.1 Pro OS. My normal office configurations shared between two separate offices are two external 27" monitors and the laptop screen, which works great shifting between the two stations. I keep desktop icon on only screen #1 (the laptop) and #3 (one of the externals).

I am currently traveling and am using a single external monitor along with the laptop screen. UltraMon apparently acts as though my original office external screen #3 is present and all those icons normally located there are not visible or accessible to me. Even worse, certain programs that are normally opened on that screen now do so virtually and I can't access those programs for use.

When I ran UltraMon on a 32-bit OS on my old desktop machine, as soon as I switched to a single or another different screen count or configuration, UltraMon would through all desktop icons onto the primary screen. Is there a command/option that allows me to do this with the 64-bit program?

Mike Pasko
Christian Studer   2014-11-28 12:49
Sounds like that monitor is still enabled in Windows/UltraMon, disabling it should fix the problem. You can do this via UltraMon menu > Display Settings or UltraMon menu > Disable Secondary.

Windows should then move the icons to the internal monitor, this is not handled by UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Michael Pasko   2014-12-03 15:59
Thanks for the help - I fixed that particular issue, which made me realize the question I should have originally asked: Can I access, copy and save an UltraMon file that would allow me to restore a particular icon configuration?

For example, I mainly work out of two separate office locations that have identical screen arrangements (2 external monitors along with my laptop's internal monitor) - UltraMon works great when I have to bounce between these two locations. Occasionally, I work out of a third location that has only a single external monitor (plus my internal laptop monitor). In this 3rd case, in order to get access to my destop iconcs, I have to disable the two previous monitors, thereby losing the configuration data for the 3-monitor arrangement I typically use.

Any suggestions for a fix?

Mike Pasko
Christian Studer   2014-12-03 17:21
Multiple icon layouts aren't supported directly, but you could do this by exporting saved icon positions from the registry. You would need to do this again if you add an icon or change the layout.

To do this, run regedit.exe, then right-click the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft\UltraMon Components\Saved Positions\Icons and select Export from the menu.

Double-clicking the .reg file will import the saved settings, to apply the imported settings go to UltraMon menu > Desktop Icons > Restore Position.

It would be possible to automate this via script or batch file, you could also have the script/batch file apply a display profile and load a specific icon layout. If you're interested in this let me know.

Christian Studer -
Michael Pasko   2014-12-03 17:31
I am interested in this. What do I need to do next?

Mike Pasko
Christian Studer   2014-12-04 13:54
You could use the ApplyProfileAndRestoreIcons script to load both a display profile and a specific icon layout.

Let me know if you have any questions about setting this up, or if you want to do something different, for example load icons only.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Lost icons

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