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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Start button on the 2nd monitor which is NOT the primary after upgrade
John Niebler   2014-12-04 09:46

Just upgraded to Ultramon 3.2.2 on an WinXP SP3 machine:
- Turn on computer.
- Right-click Ultramon and Enable Secondary
- Second monitor is enabled and the Start button and desktop move to the secondary.
- Go into Ultramon Display Settings, Monitor1 is listed as the Primary.

Have to futz with it over and over to get Start menu to come back. And this doesn't hold through a computer restart.

Christian Studer   2014-12-04 13:55
Not sure what might cause this, UltraMon doesn't position the main taskbar.

What happens if you move the main taskbar back to the primary monitor, then restart the system with both monitors enabled?

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Start button on the 2nd monitor which is NOT the primary after upgrade

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