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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Disappearing Move Window button
Jim   2014-12-31 07:07
Lately when opening a particular software application the move window button has disappeared. It was there now it is gone. I use this particular 3d software on a daily basis and rely on the move window button at the top. Any help retrieve this button would be greatly appreciated
Christian Studer   2014-12-31 14:24
Did you install a new version/release of the 3D application?

Christian Studer -
Jim   2015-01-02 04:34
I installed a new video driver. Just uninstalled it this morning and went back to the older version driver. - Still the move window does not appear
Jim   2015-01-02 06:48
Just did a system restore back to 12-29-2014 (prior to a windows 7 critical update). Incredible ----- now the window move button has re appeared.
Christian Studer   2015-01-02 12:36
Let me know if the problem reappears when you update Windows the next time, we could then do further troubleshooting.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Disappearing Move Window button

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