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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon refresh rate issue
Michael Miller   2015-01-06 03:02

I am prepared to purchase UltraMon if it can solve a vexing problem for me. Everything else has failed, so UltraMon is my last resort! I have installed UltraMon on the 30-day trial basis.

I am running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit on a Dell XPS 8300 desktop with the latest AMD Catalyst Control Center and driver package for Radeon HD 6870, which is driving (1) Dell flat panel via DVI-D and (2) HDTV via HDMI. The HDTV *must* be driven in one of only two ways:

1. 1280x720, 60p
2. 1920x1080, 30i (it's a 2008 Samsung DLP that runs only 720p or 1080i)

Using the Intel graphics utility on my wife's laptop, I can choose either of these modes, both of which work fine. My problem is that the AMD driver on my desktop is defaulting to 1920x1080 60p... not the required 30i! As a result, the HDTV refuses to display anything. I had hoped that UltraMon would allow me to enable the secondary HDTV via HDMI and force either 720p or 1080i... but it only seems to support 60 Hz refresh rate for 1920x1080, and 1280x720 resolution seems not to be available.

What can I do? Is there a registry setting somewhere for the refresh rate that will be applied with the HDTV is enabled? Please advise. Thanks in advance for your assistance and support.

Best regards,

Michael Miller
Christian Studer   2015-01-06 12:54
UltraMon will only show the display resolutions supported by the video card driver, it can't create custom resolutions.

Did you already make sure all resolutions get shown? You can do this via Display Properties, select the HDTV and click on Advanced Settings, then select the Monitor tab and uncheck 'Hide modes that this monitor cannot display'.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon refresh rate issue

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