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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> No new versions of UltraMon?
Peteris Krumins   2015-03-21 11:21
Hey guys,

I'm a huge fan of UltraMon and have been using it for years but the last version has been released in 2012.

Have you guys stopped working on UltraMon? Should I start looking for a new product? Are there ever going to be updates?

Christian Studer   2015-03-21 12:14
3.3.0 will be released soon, the code is finished but I'm still working on the translations.

Christian Studer -
Roy van den Broek   2015-03-26 05:53
Maybe you can then let us test the English version? I can also help if you want to translate it into Dutch? I like to give a contribution.

Reagrds Roy
Christian Studer   2015-03-26 13:34
I'm going to release all languages (English, German and Japanese) at the same time, but if you want to go ahead with your translation you can download the new language pack here.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> No new versions of UltraMon?

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