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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Second monitor can't be activated
Piet   2015-04-01 11:19
I recently installed ultramon on my computer. I want to use this software to create serveral profiles. Until now, I created these:

profile 1: main monitor
profile 2: main monitor + second monitor on the right

So when profile 2 is activated and I activate 1, then the second monitor is deactivated, as desired.

But when I want to activate second monitor with profile 2, the second monitor is not activated. I have no chance to activate it in ultramon. Neither with the profil 1, nor with "activate / deactivate second monitors" by right-clicking on the symbol in the tray.
To activate second monitor I have to open the windows monitor settings. Then I have to click on the second monitor and click on "extend". (Sorry when I'm using the wrong menu translations, I'm using a german Windows and Ultramon)

What am I doing wrong?
Christian Studer   2015-04-01 13:26
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using, and what's your video card?

Christian Studer -
Piet   2015-04-04 07:38
ATI Asus 7870 OC
Windows 7
Version 3.3.0
Christian Studer   2015-04-04 09:09
What happens if you try to re-enable the secondary monitor via UltraMon menu > Display Settings?

Christian Studer -
Piet   2015-04-04 11:39
I can't, as you can see on the picture:
Christian Studer   2015-04-04 12:29
Please send me your UltraMon Components settings to, to do this run regedit.exe, then right-click the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft\UltraMon Components and select Export from the menu to save it to a .reg file.

Christian Studer -
Piet   2015-04-05 02:17
OK, I just send them via E-Mail! Thank You :)
Christian Studer   2015-04-05 12:16
Thanks for the file. The problem is that monitor 2 is configured to be hidden when disabled, once you have switched to the single-monitor configuration UltraMon will then ignore the monitor and you can't enable it again via display profile or UltraMon menu > Display Settings.

To fix this, go to UltraMon Options > Ignored Monitors, select 'show hidden monitors', then uncheck 'hide if disabled' for monitor 2.

Christian Studer -
Piet   2015-04-06 06:42
Works excellent!! Thank you very much!
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Second monitor can't be activated

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