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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Extended Taskbar Start button
sundanse   2015-04-02 23:46
I am using 3.3.0 on Win 8.1 with a PLP (portrait, Lanscape, portrait) with a 4th monitor riding shotgun with said PLP setup. the two side monitors are rotated. I am also running classic shell 4.02. It all seems to work good together, but the "disable start menu on secondary taskbars" feature does not seem to work. Any ideas? I am going to make sure I have the latest Classic shell to see if that helps...
sundanse   2015-04-03 00:00
update: Classic shell 4.1.0 installed with same problem. Just disabled Classic shell and normal start menu works fine with ultramon. Note that the 4.02 classicshell start menus worked fine as Ultramon settings dictated with 3.2.0 under the same setup. thanks.
Christian Studer   2015-04-03 10:14
For me the UltraMon taskbar extensions worked fine even with Classic Shell installed (I tested with 4.1.0), but I've also heard from another user that they didn't work for him (not sure though which version he was using). Are you using any special settings for Classic Shell? I tested with the default settings after installation.

There are some issues though if Classic Shell is enabled and you're using one of the UltraMon taskbar extensions, when switching between single- and multi-monitor configurations the taskbar on the secondary monitor vanishes.

Christian Studer -
sundanse   2015-04-03 11:54
Ok, it looks like a setting on Classic shell got reset for some reason after installing the new UltraMon. I fixed this in classic shell by de-selecting "Show on all taskbars" under the "Start Button" tab. Previously to the new classic shell I had not changed any settings. So, it is fixed - thanks for the quick response.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Extended Taskbar Start button

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