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Patrick 2015-04-09 08:43
Hi there,
From the vairous messages I've read here, my understanding was that the button placement for the Office 2013 products would be better with the new release.
However, I found it to be the same as before, so trying the minimze the window ends up moving it to the other monitor.
Did I miss something in the setup or configuration?
I've tried playing with the individual options for Outlook for instance, but nothing changed the position at all.
Thanks for the help.
Christian Studer 2015-04-09 14:19
To set this up, go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for Outlook and set the custom button spacing option, I would start with 80 pixels and adjust if necessary.
Christian Studer -
Patrick 2015-04-13 10:32
Thanks Christian.
I haven't noticed that option. Used it and works great.
As a minor improvement for a later version, you should consider an "Apply" button. It's kind of painful to have to click on the "OK" button to validate the changes, look how it fits, then having to open the Options again to make additional changes, click "OK" again, rinse and repeat.
If that makes sense.
Thanks Patrick
Christian Studer 2015-04-13 16:24
I agree, will consider that for a future release.
Christian Studer -
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