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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Problem with pined shortcuts
Sreten   2015-04-15 00:36
I have a few pinned shortcuts and I keep their order same on multiple computers (desktop, notebook, work) so I could easily access it with Win button + number (1..9). For example: Win+1 is windows explorer, Win+2 is PhpStorm and Win+3 is Sublime Text 3. I made PhpStorm open on second screen but after opening with mouse click I cant focus the application again with Win+2 shortcut. PhpStorm pined shortcuts is shown on second monitor taskbar.

Problem is that I have to use mouse to activate PhpStorm by clicking on second monitor or by using alt+tab and finding needed application which is SLOW and tedious. Is there any way to make default windows behavior to work?
Christian Studer   2015-04-15 13:39
Which version of UltraMon and Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
Sreten   2015-04-16 00:59
I'm using 3.3.0. Just to say what I found out in meantime:

1. with using smart bar checked and "standard - each taskbar only show task from monitor" Win+2 shortcuts doesn't focus application,

2. with using smart bar checked and "mirror - each taskbar show all tasks" Win+2 shortcuts does work but multiple instances of same program (Chrome for example) aren't grouped and icons in taskbar are sorted in what appears random order (different from main monitor),
Christian Studer   2015-04-16 13:55
1) I have now tested with PhpStorm 8.0.3 on Windows 7, but so far haven't seen this issue, the application has the focus after launch even if it opens on the secondary monitor.

2) The UltraMon taskbar doesn't support task grouping or pinning tasks, that's probably also the reason for the different task button order in mirror mode.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Problem with pined shortcuts

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