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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Wallpaper not centered correctly
Steve Valliere   2015-04-22 05:29
I'm running UltraMon 3.3.0 x64 on Windows 7 Pro (with all of the available updates and service packs from Microsoft).

Yesterday I decided to add a fourth monitor as a mirror of my primary screen for use when demonstrating things for colleagues. The mirroring function works well, but my wallpaper is now being "centered" across all FOUR monitors, even though one of them is a mirror of another.

The capture (linked below) shows that (a) UltraMon knows that it is centering across all four monitors and (b) UltraMon also knows that #4 is being used as a mirror.

UltraMon Wallpaper Settings

It would be great if it would center the wallpaper over the three non-mirrored screens, as expected.

Steve Valliere
Steve Valliere   2015-04-22 05:33
FYI: I can compensate by adding another screen's worth of black that won't be displayed, but I don't think that I should need to do this.

Steve Valliere
Christian Studer   2015-04-22 14:06
I'm seeing that as well, will look into this for a future release. Would probably take the form of a new option to choose the preferred behavior, as updating the wallpaper may not always be desired.

Christian Studer -
Steve Valliere   2015-04-23 05:05
Thanks! It is always nice to know that a problem isn't unique to me and that it may (will?) be corrected eventually.
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Wallpaper not centered correctly

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