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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> unable to install x64 version of ultramon
malcolm   2015-05-21 01:40
I am trying to install UltraMon_3.3.0_en_x64.msi
At the final phase, there is an error of the product only support 32-bit of windows

I am installing on 64-bit windows 7

Christian Studer   2015-05-21 12:57
I have replied by e-mail.

Christian Studer -
Joe Bitti   2015-06-17 01:14
I also have the same issue but can't load this program on x64 windows 8.1. error says "A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact vendor etc....
Christian Studer   2015-06-17 13:34
Joe, try opening a command prompt as administrator, then run setup from there by running the following command:

msiexec /i <setupfile>

where <setupfile> is the full path and file name of the setup file, for example:


Christian Studer -
Joe Bitti   2015-06-18 00:07
Thanks Christian that seems to have done the trick!!
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> unable to install x64 version of ultramon

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