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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar Extensions for Windows 8
Alex   2015-05-22 23:30
Taskbar Extensions for Windows 8: the Smart Taskbar feature has been completely redesigned for Windows 8, instead of adding its own taskbars UltraMon now extends the built-in multi-monitor taskbar on Windows 8. You can control taskbar settings via the Taskbar Extensions tab under UltraMon Options, and disable/enable secondary taskbars via the main UltraMon menu.

Hello, can you please make this possible for Windows 7 too??
Christian Studer   2015-05-23 13:09
This is supported for Windows 7 as well, but UltraMon implements its own taskbar for secondary monitors as Windows 7 and earlier don't have a built-in multi-monitor taskbar. For more on this see UltraMon Features: Taskbar Extensions / Smart Taskbar.

Christian Studer -
Alex   2015-05-24 09:09
Ok thanks for the update!
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Taskbar Extensions for Windows 8

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