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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon Shifting Desktop Icons, Even when disabled..
SuBDivisions   2015-06-04 08:51
I have this problem on 3 machines i have the latest Ultramon on.. I use DESKTOPOK to keep my icons in certain places, but when ultramon loads (either via startup or manually), it shifts al the desktop icons over to the left side, Even tho the option to "Remember desktop icons" is disabled in it.

Its VERY annoying as i have to then go into my system tray to desktopok and manually set them back.

This happens on Every reboot.
Christian Studer   2015-06-04 13:55
Which version of Windows are you using?

Christian Studer -
SuBDivisions   2015-06-04 16:57
Win7 Pro x64 and Win7 Ultimate x64 .. Its happening on all of my machines, different video cards (ATI on 1, Nvidia on the other)..
SuBDivisions   2015-06-04 16:58
Just so you know, i stopped it from running at startup and DesktopOK restores my icons perfectly.. Once i run it (from start menu or directly from the app itself) all the icons fly to the left and i have to reset them again.

Definatley ultramon. Im using the latest 3.3.0 too.
SuBDivisions   2015-06-04 17:03
Another bit of info, both machines are Dual Monitor..
Christian Studer   2015-06-05 12:35
Could be related to the additional taskbar getting added, what happens if you disable the Smart Taskbar under UltraMon Options > Smart Taskbar?

Christian Studer -
SuBDivisions   2015-06-05 17:10
I'll try it now let u know.. (Ive always used smart taskbar, never had an issue til about update before this one).
SuBDivisions   2015-06-05 17:12
YES.. Smart Taskbar seems to be the culprit.. When its off and Ultramon loads, no icons move. When i reenable it, they all shoot to the left..

Looks like we found something to fix :)
Christian Studer   2015-06-06 14:56
What are your icon settings? You can see those by right-clicking the desktop, then select View from the menu.

Christian Studer -
SuBDivisions   2015-06-08 23:31
Small Icons.

No Auto or Align.

Show Desktop Icons Enabled
Show Desktop Gadgets Enabled.
SuBDivisions   2015-06-08 23:31
This (btw) only started happening since id say the 3.3.0.. Previous to this release i didnt have any issue.
Christian Studer   2015-06-09 16:00
Not sure what might cause this, it could be related to screen area getting reserved for the taskbar (for example if you have an icon at the bottom of the screen it will get moved up when the taskbar gets added to the bottom), but otherwise I haven't seen any icon movement when starting the taskbar (I tested with your icon settings).

3.3.0 does handle reserving screen area a bit differently than earlier versions, if you're interested I could create a test version of UltraMonTaskbar.exe which handles this like 3.2.2 to determine if that's what causes the issue. If you would like to do this please contact me at

Christian Studer -
SuBDivisions   2015-06-12 09:02
I sent an email back, its the same with this new file you gave me.. Im going to perhaps try to revert back to an older version see if i can pinpoint exactly where it changed..

Of note, once i set the ultramon is loaded and i reset the icons its not like they go back when im doing something else (they do move if i say, close explorer.exe and relaunch it).. I could show you this on a remote session if you wanted if you think it would help.
Christian Studer   2015-06-12 14:52
Screen area may again get reserved when explorer.exe restarts (explorer.exe handles the main taskbar). Let me know how it goes with 3.2.2.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon Shifting Desktop Icons, Even when disabled..

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