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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Change second monitor but system doesn't recognize the change
nuttygardener   2015-06-28 09:44
I had a dual setup with one wide screen HP monitor and one standard NEC monitor. I am trying to switch out the NEC for another wide screen HP identical to the first monitor. The resolution for the second one is now wrong but it keeps thinking the NEC monitor is still there so it won't allow me to change the resolution to what the wide screen HP needs. Any help is appreciated.

Windows 7 Home Premium
Christian Studer   2015-06-28 14:32
Did you already reboot the system with the new monitor plugged in? If that doesn't fix the problem, you could go to UltraMon menu > Windows Display Properties, then click on Advanced Settings, select the Monitor tab, and uncheck 'Hide modes that this monitor cannot display'.

Christian Studer -
nuttygardener   2015-06-29 09:08
Thanks for you help.

Windows 7 Home Premium
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Change second monitor but system doesn't recognize the change

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