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shawly 2015-07-16 05:30
I have three monitors and use Ultramon to disable the middle screen in Windows, if I want to play on my consoles over the middle screen. The reason why I have to do this, is that my monitor doesn't recognize the output of my HDMI Splitter when there are other inputs. This worked fine.
NOW I also connected my GPU with my tv, so I can play PC games on my TV, so I went into the Nvidia settings and duplicated the output to my middle monitor and the tv so my primary screen is mirrored on the tv and my middle monitor. But now I can't use Ultramon anymore to disable my middle screen, it just doesn't react to my display profile anymore..
When I disable the mirroring between tv and monitor my profiles work just fine, but it seems when they are mirrored, that Ultramon loses control over the screens.
Christian Studer 2015-07-16 15:52
UltraMon can't modify clone configurations, but couldn't you just set the TV as primary when you want to play a game, this way you wouldn't need to use mirroring.
Christian Studer -
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