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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon Overlays Screen Switch Buttons Over New Chrome "Person" Button
rormeister   2015-07-26 07:13
Hi Christian,
Sometime in the last couple releases of Chrome (I'm running 44 on Win 7 SP2) they have added a new "Default Profile" button to the left of the Minimize/Restore/Close button group. Does 3.3 adjust for this "deviation" from standards?
While it can be removed, I actually do switch users for business/personal with it.

Christian Studer   2015-07-26 13:02
3.3.0 has an easy fix for this, you can move the UltraMon buttons to the left for a specific application only.

To set this up, go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for Chrome and set the custom button spacing option. I would start with 50 pixels and adjust if necessary.

With earlier versions of UltraMon the only solution would be to move the UltraMon buttons to the left for all applications via UltraMon Options > Buttons and Menu Commands.

Christian Studer -
Rormeister   2015-07-27 06:42
Pure genius Christian. In fact, I mis-spoke about being able to remove the offending Chrome profile button. Apparently it got locked down in 44.x.
Thank you!
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon Overlays Screen Switch Buttons Over New Chrome "Person" Button

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