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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Different Backgrounds not working on 4K monitors
Mario   2015-07-27 16:59

I have two 3840x2160 monitors using Ultramon 3.3.0. When I try to set two different images as wallpapers for each monitor, my primary monitor shows the corresponding wallpaper, but the secondary only shows the background color!

Is this a bug in the software, or am I the only one encountering this issue?

Can anyone hint something?
Christian Studer   2015-07-28 14:16
Please send me your wallpaper profile and the wallpaper bitmap generated by UltraMon to

The wallpaper profile is located in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\<version>\Wallpapers, the wallpaper bitmap is in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Realtime Soft\UltraMon. Please note that the AppData folder is hidden by default.

Christian Studer -
Mario   2015-07-28 16:16
The bitmap was about 47MB so I sent you both files through wetransfer. I hope that's not a problem.

Christian Studer   2015-07-29 15:27
Thanks for the files.

The problem is the wallpaper profile (related to the disabled monitor #2), going to UltraMon menu > Wallpaper and reapplying the wallpaper should update the profile and fix the issue.

I'm not sure what exactly may have caused the issue, if you get this again let me know.

Christian Studer -
Mario   2015-07-30 05:00
Well, I don't have monitor #2 disabled. So reapplying the Wallpaper Profile didn't fix it.

I tried so many different ways, and I noticed one thing, no matter what settings I choose in Ultramon Wallpaper tab (even disabling monitor #1), there was no image set as wallpaper for monitor #2. Unless of course if I chose the "one background for the whole desktop" option (which I don't want).

So I disconnected the cable to my monitor #1, then opened Ultramon Wallpaper tab, it asked me to update the current (not working dual-wallpaper) profile to the change in screen configuration (cause I now have only monitor #2 connected). The Ultramon was forced to set an image on monitor #2. I then closed Ultramon; Connected monitor #1 cable back again. Opened Ultramon Wallpaper tab, it asked me to update the current profile again to the new changes (cause I now have both monitors connected). And voila, it kept the image on the troublesome monitor #2, while adding the corresponding image to monitor #1.

I then decided to play around, changing the images on both monitors, end even changing the setting from dual-wallpapers to single-wallpaper and back. It all worked fine. I didn't use the ability to have two different backgrounds for each of the 4K displays.

Obviously there is a bug somewhere in the Ultramon code. But I presume, it will take a whole lot of logging and testing on an affected system to find out where and what is causing trouble.

Thanks anyway Christian for your kindness. All I hope to see someday is also the 'FILL' option next to Stretch and Stretch Proportional of the background images. The FILL option is really very essential for Wallpaper Fetishists!

Mario   2015-07-30 05:05
Correction: I didn't loose (was incorrectly: use) the ability to have two different backgrounds for each of the 4K displays.
Christian Studer   2015-07-30 14:07
Glad to hear you got it working again. I'll consider support for a fill option for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Different Backgrounds not working on 4K monitors

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