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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> New version of Ultramon for Windows 10
Jumping Jax Tax   2015-08-01 10:58
Is there a new version of Ultramon compatible with Windows 10? It seems the multiple monitor controls within Windows 10 supercede Ultramon 3.30.

Jumping Jax Tax
Christian Studer   2015-08-01 11:53
3.3.0 works fine on Windows 10, the only issue I noticed is that the UltraMon window buttons don't match the look of the native buttons, this should be fixed in the next release.

Christian Studer -
Dave   2015-08-02 12:06
3.3.0 does NOT work fine with win 10 pro x64.

Taskbar management conflicts with the built in taskbar management and causes it to freeze.
Christian Studer   2015-08-02 13:50
I'm seeing that as well when switching taskbar mode via UltraMon Options > Taskbar Extensions, will be fixed in the next release. This isn't specific to Windows 10 though, can also happen on Windows 8.

As a workaround you can change taskbar mode via right-click on the taskbar, then select Properties from the menu and change the 'Show taskbar buttons on' setting.

Christian Studer -
Gary   2015-08-17 16:25
I am also having an issue with UltraMon 3.3 and Windows 10 Pro X64. The monitors do not align with the display setting. I have 9 Monitors arranged in the follow order:

4 5 6 7
3 1 8
2 9

However when I click on the Move window icon the alignment is as follows:

8 5 6 3
7 1 4
9 2

Anybody have a fix for this issue?

Appreciate any assistance!

Gary   2015-08-17 16:28
Well Now that I see my post, it moved the monitor alignment but I think you get the alignment issue.
I can send a screenshot is necessary.

Christian Studer   2015-08-17 16:37
You can change the monitor numbering via UltraMon menu > Display Settings, select the monitor whose number you want to change then click on Actions and select Change Monitor Number from the menu.

Unfortunately UltraMon can't always determine the correct numbering automatically on Windows 7 and later.

Christian Studer -
Andre   2015-10-24 13:26
I am also not happy with Ultramon on Windows10.

1.) The cursor doesnt follow the window, when moving a window to the secound screen using the ultramon button

2.) Sometimes the window in the moved application doenst draw correctly, there are areas where the background/desktop is shown instead the application (Office 2016 Outlook for example)

Intel4600+Nvidia740 Optimus
Christian Studer   2015-10-24 15:39
1) UltraMon never supported this. Will be considered for a future release.

2) I've done some testing with Outlook 2016 on Windows 10, but so far haven't seen this. My guess would be an issue with the display driver, but if the issue only occurs if Outlook is maximized you could also try the following: go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for Outlook and enable the option 'use alternative method to move maximized window'.

Christian Studer -
ALberts   2015-11-05 01:57
We have other problems on win10 with 3.3.0:
When Ultramon is running and we click on the start button, the start menu comes up onlky after a few seconds. If we end the two ultramon processes, this is never seen.
Also: after start menu finally appears, we cannot type into it - nothing happens. Again, closing ultramon fixes this.

Please note: after closing ultramon and reopening it, there is just one process in task manager, the second, ultramonuiaccess, is not re-appearing and then, everything works!
What is that ultramonuiaccess good for, if I may ask?

Christian Studer   2015-11-05 14:15
Not sure what might cause this, so far I haven't been able to reproduce the issue with UltraMon 3.3.0 on 64-bit Windows 10. Do you also have this if you reboot the system, wait for UltraMon to get started, then click on the start menu?

UltraMonUiAcc.exe enables UltraMon to add window buttons etc. to applications running with elevated privileges (as administrator). On my system UltraMonUiAcc.exe also gets started when restarting UltraMon.

One thing I noticed: if I open the start menu on the primary monitor and type something, then open the start menu on the secondary monitor, typing doesn't work and I need to close and open the start menu on the secondary monitor again in order for typing to work. This seems to be a bug in Windows, also happens without UltraMon running.

Christian Studer -
Chris   2015-11-09 09:05
Just moved from Win 7 to Win 10 and am no longer able to perform simple operations like choosing which monitor is Primary /Secondary.

I have two monitors A & B. Monitor A is 1080 x 1920, Monitor B is 768 x 1024. AMD GPU / Driver

I have Ultramon profile shortcuts to enable these configurations:

A = Primary B = Disabled
B = Primary A = Disabled
A = Primary B = Secondary

All shortcuts fundamentally work on the first pass but after switching to monitor B and then back to A+B, Ultramon looses track of the monitor ID :) and thinks A & B are swapped, making A the extension and B the primary.

I have been using Ultramon on Win 7 for a couple of years without issue to control the monitor config. Is there a solution?

Christian Studer   2015-11-09 13:42
Please try if running the FixMonIds.vbs script fixes the issue.

You should enable both monitors before running the script, and if monitor numbers are different than before after running the script you'll either need to change them via UltraMon Menu > Display Settings > Actions > Change Monitor Number, or recreate the display profiles.

Christian Studer -
Chris   2015-11-10 05:26
Christian, Thank you for your prompt assistance. I am pleased to confirm that running the script and making new profiles has resolved the problem.

Ron   2015-12-06 18:20
With my Office 365 on Windows 10, the Ultramon icons cover up the maximize and minimize icons. This happens on both the primary and secondary monitors. In the Firefox and Edge browsers, they are to the left of the minimize, maximize and close icons as they should be. So it seems to be an issue with Office.

Christian Studer   2015-12-07 14:28
Ron, to fix this go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for the affected application and set the custom button spacing option. I would start with 50 pixels and adjust if necessary.

Christian Studer -
Stewart Davidson   2016-05-22 21:43
A few minimized icons are appearing on the wrong monitors taskbar when collapsed. When maximizing the app appears on the right monitor but the icon in the wrong taskbar. Only happens with about 10% of the apps and only been an issue since installing windws10
Christian Studer   2016-05-23 14:16
Which version of UltraMon are you using?

Christian Studer -
Flint   2016-05-31 07:28
When do you plan to release a new version with window buttons fitted to the Windows 10 design?
Christian Studer   2016-05-31 12:03
Should be ready later this year, but I don't have a specific date yet.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> New version of Ultramon for Windows 10

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